The Memetic Tribes of Culture War 2.0
- 🔗 List of tribes:
- 🔗 Accompanying essay:
- ✍️ Created by: Peter Limberg and Conor Barnes
- 📅 Date: September 2018
- 📃 Description: A spreadsheet identifying a number of “memetic tribes” and an accompanying essay. “We define a memetic tribe as a group of agents with a meme complex, or memeplex, that directly or indirectly seeks to impose its distinct map of reality — along with its moral imperatives — on others. These tribes are on active duty in the new culture war. They possess a multiplicity of competing claims, interests, goals, and organizations.”
- 🎨 Type: Table; Essay
- ❓Inclusion criteria: [Not found]
Emerge Commentary on Memetic Tribes
- 33 “Memetic Tribes” of the political landscape, e.g. Social Justice Activists; Occupy; Post-Rationalists; Establishment Right; Trumpists; Alt-Right; Incels.
- Most wouldn’t be included as tribes or centres of the Second Renaissance. Only one clearly part of Second Renaissance: Integral Theorists
- 🔥 Dimensions mapped:
- Telos (aspiration)
- Sacred Values
- Master Status
- Existential Threats
- Combatants
- Campfire (physical and online spaces where the tribe gathers/hangs out, e.g. Twitter, Youtube, Campuses, Streets, etc.)
- Chieftains
- Mental Models
- Forebears