Style guide

From Second Renaissance

This is a style guide for the Second Renaissance wiki.

Please put your suggestions in the "Discussion" sub-page and we can have dialogue there towards agreement.

As a starting point, follow the Wikipedia Manual of Style unless there is a good reason to do so. It's very helpful to note any deliberate variations from this in the "Discussion" sub-page.

Page names

Let's follow Wikipedia style on this: Capitalise the first word of a page name – sentence case – and other words leave lower case except if they are part of a proper name. This includes the names of people or organisations; books (depending on their chosen title page style) and other things that Wikipedia capitalises. In links, you can have all lower case, and the link will automatically go to the version with the first letter capitalised.

Language and spelling

The language of this wiki is English. As between US and British English, please feel free to keep the spelling of any names and quotation as the original, but otherwise please use British English spelling unless there is a reason not to, as British English is generally more normal within Europe as well as in the UK.


Again, broadly following Wikipedia, only use h1 style if in rare cases where a page is effectively more than one page: then use an h1 for each separate part. This should happen rarely or ideally not at all! Main headings for different aspects of a page are h2 style; and so on as you would expect.


Please use one or more categories for each page. This will help all pages be found more easily.

  • Our Categories are listed, with a few words of description.
  • There is also a page Special: Categories automatically listing all the categories actually in use.

Categories can most easily be added using "Edit source". For example, this page has [[Category:Internal]] and [[Category:About]] at the end of the page.


These are still under construction, but some categories have suggested templates which you can refer to for useful ideas around the structure of that category of page. In particular, we are encouraging on most pages sections for "Commentary", where different people can express their own perspective on the subject of the page; and "Emergent questions", where live questions can be raised, when at least two people find a significant question arising from the topic.

See the Category: Templates.